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Hot Toys - MMS451 -《正義聯盟》神奇女俠 豪華版 Justice League Wonder Woman Deluxe Version 1/6 比例可動人偶作品登場!


這次神奇女俠的頭雕依然是由韓國團隊的So Young, Lee 負責雕刻、JC. Hong 進行上色,金黃色的頭飾搭配植髮技術,精緻的形塑出肌膚的紋理,從官圖來看比之前推出的作品更有蓋兒·加朵的神韻;加上更能顯現肌肉線條的包膠素體,刻畫極其逼真的裝甲,以及包含擋子彈火花特效等的豐富武器配件,不論是展示、把玩都相當過癮。


豪華版除了包含普通版神奇女俠 MMS450 的所有內容之外,還附屬了一件黑色的羽毛斗篷,更增添了女神的神秘感,而且天氣也漸漸轉涼,讓我們的女神著涼就不好了(誤~ 另外一個配件則是「亞馬遜母盒」(Amazonian Mother Box),精緻的暗紅色塗裝營造出金屬的厚重質感,搭配有著「JUSTICE LEAGUE」字樣的造型地台讓本作的完整性再提升,女神的粉絲們千萬不要錯過啦~


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MMS451 - Justice League - 1/6th scale Wonder Woman Deluxe Version 正義聯盟 神奇女俠 豪華版

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    “Don’t engage alone, we do this together.”

    In just a few days, the epic blockbuster Justice League by DC Comics will be arriving at worldwide theatres! Alongside with Batman, Aquaman, the Flash and Cyborg, the warrior princess is one of the key members to unite the league and defend the world against their new evil villain! With high anticipation, Hot Toys is elated to introduce the eagerly awaited 1/6th scale Wonder Woman collectible figure from Justice League! 

    Delicately crafted based on the appearance of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in the movie, the figure features a newly painted head sculpt with long curly dark brown real fabric hair and Wonder Woman’s signature tiara, a specialized body tailored for Wonder Woman, expertly tailored armor with battle damage and weathering effect. Aside from the amazingly detailed costume, the figure also comes with assorted weapons and accessories such as a sword, a shield with weathering effect, two pairs of Wonder Woman’s signature “Bracelets of Submissions”, her “Lasso of Truth”, bullet sparkling effects, and a specially designed Justice League themed figure stand. 

    This Deluxe Version will specially include an additional black colored hooded robe, a leather-like dark brown colored cross-body belt and an Amazonian Mother Box offering greater display flexibility for the fan-favorite “Warrior Princess”! 

    Display the Wonder Woman figure alongside with other Justice League members or even as a “wonderful” standalone piece! This will sure to be something that you do not want to miss!

    The 1/6th scale Wonder Woman (Deluxe Version) Collectible Figure specially features:
    - Authentic and detailed likeness of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in Justice League
    - Newly painted head sculpt with movie-accurate facial expression, make-up, and gold colored tiara
    - Long curly dark brown real fabric hair implantation 
    - Body with over 17 points of articulations
    - Approximately 29 cm tall
    - Nine (9) pieces of interchangeable hands including:  
    - One (1) pair of relaxed hands
    - One (1) pair of fists 
    - One (1) pair of hands for holding Lasso of Truth
    - One (1) pair of hands for holding weapons
    - One (1) left hand for holding sword
    - Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

    Costume :
    - One (1) specially tailored red, blue, and gold colored Wonder Woman armor with weathering and battle damaged effect
    - One (1) brown colored leather-like strap
    - One (1) black-colored hooded robe***
    - One (1) dark brown colored leather-like cross-body belt (equipped with Velcro tape)*** 
    - One (1) pair of gold and silver colored Bracelets of Submission
    - One (1) pair of gold and orange colored Bracelets of Submission
    - One (1) pair of red and gold colored boots with weathering and battle damaged effect

    - One (1) engraved sword
    - One (1) shield with weathering effect
    - One (1) piece of gold colored rope (Lasso of Truth) (attachable to the strap)
    - Two (2) pieces of yellow colored ropes (Lasso of Truth)

    - Four (4) pieces of magnetic bullet sparkling effects in small, medium and large size (attachable to the gold and silver colored Bracelets of Submission)
    - One (1) Amazonian Mother Box***
    - Specially designed Justice League elevating platform themed figure stand with Wonder Woman nameplate and the movie logo

    *** Exclusive to Deluxe Version

    - Head Sculpted by So Young, Lee
    - Head Painted by JC. Hong & E-lee
    - Head Art Directed by JC. Hong

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